The crew. The fam. Brother from another mother. Sister from another mister. Whatever you call them, these are the people you have the most fun sharing adventures with! So why not bring them along on your skydiving experience? Skydiving with friends is one of the most meaningful bonding experiences you can have with the important people in your life.
Skydiving can be scary. Having someone you trust at the dropzone with you can make the jump a whole lot easier. And think about how much more you’ll trust them after you go through that experience together! Skydive California even offers group skydiving rates! (Even if your buddy isn’t good for that $20 you spotted him, he’s at least worth $10 off your skydive.)
If you’re looking for a new day out with your old friends, why not try skydiving for a change of pace?! Tandem skydiving is life-changing even if you do it alone. Imagine the benefits of doing it with your favorite peeps!

Moral Support
If your friends jumped out of an airplane, would you jump, too? Of course you would! And that’s exactly why having your friends with you the day of your skydive is such a great idea. What are friends for if not to encourage you to do crazy stuff??
You know your friends have been there for you through thick and thin, and making your first skydive is no different. Having your pals there to encourage you (aka push you, although not literally – that’s not safe) will make leaving the plane so much easier. And in a group, you will all feed off of each other’s energy.
If one person starts having second thoughts, your whole group can remind them of all the times they were strong and brave and accomplished great things. Or maybe just make sure they know they won’t ever live it down if they decide not to jump. It’s a lot harder to back out of something if all your friends are brave enough to do it! Positive peer pressure, baby!
However your mates motivate you, having them around makes skydiving for the first time feel like a fun family affair.
Pro Tip: get video so you’ll have something to look back on together!
Make Memories
Memories are what bind us to the people in our lives. The more experiences we have with someone, the more connected we feel to them. Doing something as high adrenaline as skydiving creates an even stronger bond.
If you’ve gone through something stressful with people, you will forever associate the triumph of success with your friendship. It’s like war buddies or athletic teammates. The connection that comes from overcoming something significant is stronger than a typical friendship.
You will be able to remember the life-changing experience you had together for the rest of your lives, and only the people who were there will really understand what it was like. Besides, who better to laugh at you when you’re screaming at the top of your lungs before you even get to the airplane door!?
Save Money
Moral support, lifelong memories, bonding, and great laughs aside, bringing your buds can also save you sweet, sweet moolah! Groups of 5 or more receive a $10 discount on each skydive.
Remember all those times you bought dinner and your pal was going to “get you next time”? Well here’s how you can make some of that money back! Whether you share the love or keep each $10 discount as a finder’s fee is up to you, but either way, it pays to bring more friends!

Team Building
Group skydiving can be a great option for other types of groups, too! The people you bring along don’t have to be your closest friends and family. That bonding trick can work with just about any group of people who know each other.
Group skydiving can be a great way to help your team at work get to know each other better. Think about how much you’ll be able to support each other in the boardroom after you’ve jumped out of a plane together! All of that trust and encouragement at the dropzone will easily translate back to the office.
And there’s nothing like a bird’s eye view from 13,000 feet to change a team’s perspective! Jumping from an airplane often comes with a new outlook on life. Imagine the brainstorming sessions you’ll have after a day of team bonding in the sky!!
Sports teams can benefit from an out-of-the-box group experience, too. Playing a sport is all about growth through challenge … welcome to skydiving! Your team will be meshing like Olympians once they’ve bonded over some good old-fashioned freefall!
We’d love to meet your besties … and introduce you to some of ours! Get to know what we’re all about, and then book your tandem skydive! See you soon, friends!