Skydiving is truly one of the most awe-inspiring adventures life has to offer. It’s certainly fun, but it’s also empowering, challenging, scary and exhilarating. To simply call skydiving “fun” doesn’t do it justice – it’s so much more than fun – it’s everything!
Skydiving Is Better Than Fun!
“That was the greatest thing I’ve ever done in my life!”
We hear this every day, all day! (And we never tire of it.)
Of course, skydiving is a fun activity, but for the majority of our guests, it’s far more than they bargained for. It’s hard to describe something that doesn’t compare with many other experiences, but you should be prepared to be blown away. You’re not going to land from a skydive and simply say, “that was fun” … you’re going to land in a state of euphoria. This experience is an exhilaration-overload wherein the conscious mind switches off and the soul switches on!
Fun? More like life-changing.

The Real Question: Is Skydiving Scary?
If you’re querying whether skydiving is fun, you’re likely predisposed to think that the experience is so scary that it’s unenjoyable. Trust us when we say that endeavoring to leap out of a plane is worth it. Scary? Yes, but temporarily.
Here’s the irony: the scariest part of skydiving is not free-falling at 120mph. The real fear comes from doubts and negative self-talk associated with the perceived madness of “jumping from a perfectly good plane.” The only moments of experiential fear typically occur when making the crab-walk towards the door of the aircraft. Just like the anticipation of getting a shot, it’s over before you have much time to think and realize… that wasn’t so bad!
As you are released from the safe confines of the aircraft into the atmosphere, a magical mental switch flips in your brain and you are suddenly free from every possible burden in your life. We repeat: Free to be your true self beyond anyone’s judgment; free to realize your true potential beyond any limitation you’ve created for yourself.
Fun? More like empowering.

Do You Have the Right Stuff?
If you’re wondering what dare-devil ingredient is required to give license to someone smiling their face-off while plummeting to the earth at 120mph, fear not! You’ve got the same stuff as everyone else does.
The scientific reason why everyone seems so overjoyed during what should be a freak-out moment is due to an invisible chemical response happening in the brain. The rush of exiting the aircraft soaks the brain with adrenaline, followed by serotonin and dopamine – all of which makes us feel ridiculously happy!
Perhaps there isn’t any better example than the tandem student, Antuan who skydived with our friends at Skydive Carolina a few years ago. This is one of our favorite videos, and as you can see, skydiving made him feel super happy!
If It Wasn’t a Little Scary, It Wouldn’t Be So Much Fun
Let’s replace “scary” with the word challenge. To challenge yourself means putting yourself in a place that’s unfamiliar or even uncomfortable. Conquering a challenge expands our minds and exposes us to opportunities that fulfill our lives. And so it is with skydiving. It may not make rational sense, but the reward of overcoming a monumental challenge and coming out the other side is what it’s all about. It’s seeking discomfort and thriving on the accomplishment.
If you can skydive, there’s no limit to what else you can do! Come see for yourself – jump with us! Blue skies!